How Will Digital Marketing Unfold in the Next 5 Years?

Nexalyst Technologies
4 min readJun 11, 2021

With the effect of COVID-19 being felt on an unprecedent scale on every aspect of our life, it essential that enterprises take this new normal into consideration while conducting business and make the appropriate changes periodically to stay relevant and competitive.

And as in other domains, this is true for the domain of Digital Marketing as well. What was once considered dependable has now been rendered impractical due the drastic change in customer behaviour and it can be safely believed that this is going to be true in the coming 5–10 years. So, how exactly will Digital Marketing evolve in the next 5 years and more importantly how can businesses take advantage of this change? After all, being able to predict the future gives you an upper hand in handling the challenges it possesses.

The Rise and Rise of AI, VR and AR:

Artificial Intelligence or AI is no more a thing to be experienced in movies. Whether you realise it or not, AI is becoming a part of our life. From predictive text on your browser or mobile to understanding your requirement based on your previous online behaviour, AI is just getting started.

Add to this mix VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) and the quality of shopping experience that you can give your customer is creative, interactive, rich and responsive. In short, in the arena of digital marketing solutions — Sky is the Limit.

AI along with Big Data analytics help in identifying individual customer behaviour and recognising the consumer preferences, location, likes, dislikes and even the phase of life that you are going through. As much scary as this situation is, what this tells us is that customers now expect their shopping experience to be not just creative but also customised and immersive.

is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy te

With the pandemic situation disrupting all normal interactions, people are now spending their time online — browsing, researching and interacting with brands. Though this can be mistaken as a passing fad, the fact of the matter is that the dire situation we are facing is here to stay, at least for the time being. And customers today do not have the patience or the tolerance to put up with traditional marketing gimmicks.

Implementing AI, VR and AR through way of chatbots, creating relevant and customised meta data links, interactive videos, apps, marketing campaigns help in targeting the specific audience bracket and creating a sense of belonging in the customer minds. This helps in fostering brand loyalty and commitment. AR and VR help in giving your customers a hands-on experience right from their living room all while enjoying a hot cuppa!!!

Social Media or Dark Social:

The term Social Media categorically brings Facebook to our minds and rightly so. Stats show that after the pandemic hit almost 54% of the world’s online population log onto to Facebook at least once a day and this number is steadily increasing. With a huge chunk of global audience on Facebook, it is no surprise that Facebook advertising is one of the ways to give your product or service the necessary exposure on a world-wide platform. And this is true for not just Facebook, but also Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Studies show that almost 75% of our online population depends on Social Media platforms to research and create an opinion about a product. With such a large impact, a strong Social Media presence incites brand loyalty and collaboration, adds credibility, increases referrals and helps you judge your audience feedback.

The measurable size of web metrics is just the tip of the iceberg. Dark Social is the volume of web traffic with no digital information about the source. These are considered “invisible” and are usually shared through messaging apps and sometimes even emails and text messages.

According to reports, more than 80% of all shares are “dark”. The next 5 years, can see a marked rise in this number and it would help businesses to understand where their marketing dollar is spent and how much ROI is generated. But with Dark Social, these stats may be flawed. To find out about your Dark Social metrics, you can create a devoted segment in Google Analytics, use link shortens and improve your sharing buttons and then the campaigns can be tweaked and optimised to help move your customer further along the sales funnel.

Social, whether dark or not, is pegged to be a key player in the Digital Marketing arena, at least for the foreseeable future.

Nexalyst Technologies has a variety of services, products and a brilliant team dedicated to create a personalised strategy that helps you improve your ROI and suits every business and budget, and puts your business on the path to success.

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Nexalyst Technologies

Nexalyst is committed to empowering new ways to increase profitability by designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining innovative business solutions.